I am Sai Kiran Varma a MERN Stack developer with a passion for building innovative applications. My expertise lies in utilizing technologies like React, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB to create robust and scalable solutions. Developed the frontend using React-Expo, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience. Implemented backend functionalities using MongoDB for database management. Successfully deployed the application, resulting in increased user engagement and positive feedback.

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Programming Languages
Frontend Development
Frontend Frameworks
Backend Development


>> The application is designed to teach coding concepts to students by visualizing algorithms through animation, particularly for those who find them challenging.

>> Demonstrated proficiency in JavaScript and React Native throughout the development process.

>> Garnered positive user feedback and high ratings, reflecting a strong user response to the app’s functionality and design.

>> Developed and deployed “Lets Learn” React Native application on Google Play Store, showcasing strong user engagement and project management skills in mobile app development and deployment.
>> Algorithm Simulator is used to sort the given data in any of the sorting techniques (User choice).

>> Experienced in implementing various sorting algorithms, showcasing strong arithmetic and problem-solving skills.


Summer Training Data Structures and Algorithms
>> Dr. Ravi Kant and Dr. Om Prakash from Lovely Professional University offer a comprehensive 6-week summer training program.

>> This program focuses on teaching all concepts of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) from the basics to advanced levels, regardless of programming language.

>> During the training, participants are presented with over 30 engaging problems curated by the instructors.

>> At the culmination of the training, each participant is assigned a project that integrates the concepts learned throughout the program.

>> As part of their project, a participant has developed an algorithm simulator using Java.

>> Developed the algorithm simulator project empowers users to input data and select from a range of sorting algorithms including Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, Selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, count sort, and sorting for strings and characters. Moreover, users can toggle between sorting and searching functionalities, with options for both linear search and binary search algorithms.
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Contact me

Feel free to reach out to me for job opportunities, freelance projects, or any other inquiries you may have. I am excited to hear from you and explore potential collaborations. Let us connect and create something amazing together!


MAIL ME teamcoderid@gmail.com